Friday, May 29, 2015

Can Humphree be saved?

Hi everyone! I've got an all-new chapter in Galactic Hot Dogs: Book Two for you today!

Galactic Hot Dogs: Book Two - Chapter 16 - Hey, Need a Ride?

When we left off, my best bud Humphree had been turned into Humphree the Horrible by Crostini's evil energy monster gizmo -- and he was pummeling the whats out of me!

Oh no! Evil-energy monster Humphree is beating up Cosmoe!

But I wasn't going to give up on my best friend. Time for some quick thinking and major action! Can I get the evil gizmo thing off Humphree and un-mutate him? And even if I do, then what? We're surrounded by a gazillion clown bots! Find out what happens in Chapter 16: Hey! Need a Ride?!

Have a great weekend you guys! Princess Dagger, Humphree, and me are cruising along in space, trying to decide where to go next. So many planets, so little time...

Stay awesome,