Friday, March 6, 2015

Game over! Awesome! Or… maybe not.

Galactic Hot Dogs: Chapter 18 cover
Ohhh, you guys. I totally kicked butt at Hyperspace Heroes, so I'm not losing the Neon Wiener Videogame Tournament anymore! But, well, I'm not winning, either. Because the Princess also kicked butt at the game. And so did Humphree.

Now Dags and me are tied and Humphree is just a little behind. Who's going to win? The champion will be decided today over a long game of Space Warrior Escape. Humphree is playing Dags right now, and you could cut the tension in this ship with a giant space pirate zombie knife. It's crazy! So I got the heck out of the gaming area to chow on some hot dogs and blog in peace.

Today's reading marathon chapter is a big one. Like, really, really BIG. Videogame Apocalypse ends, the map-o-sphere gets put together… and then Evil Queen Dagger fuzzes things up. Argh! You have to read Chapter 18: Game Over to see what happens!

And now let's check out

Today I've got this awesome Galactic Hot Dogs poster for you!

Free Galactic Hot Dogs poster for computer wallpaper

The GHD artists made this (and this one, too) to hang on the walls of my ship! If you want, you can make it your computer’s wallpaper  it’s so much better than the standard lames-ville options that come with your computer.

Okay, I gotta go. I hear Humphree hollering that it’s my turn to play him in Space Warrior Escape. Getting my game face on. I’m completely going to videogame that dude, as the Princess would say. Ha.

See you Monday,